Part 11 - It's going to be a wild ride!
Each new game might bring better luck! The weekend, as always, was too short but it was absolutely lovely. Coach said I gotta crush 6 km today, and I've been killing it lately. I'm super stoked with my times, and my nutrition game is getting better and better!

The weather was fantastic, and I even took a little detour during my run. The flow was on point, and I have to credit the sick tunes I was listening to. All I can say is that 2023 is going to be a wild ride! 😉 The lap times speak for themselves:

This time around, my two go-to sports apps weren't synced up, so the times don't match up. Although there's no song recommendation today, I got a suggestion for the FIT FOR THE PIT playlist again. These tunes are hella fun for working out, and I'm stoked to hear your feedback via Instagram DMs. Check out the playlist here: