Part 8 - You don’t have to walk alone!
With such beautiful weather, you just want to go outside. At least that's how I feel! The sun was shining and I really felt like going for a run. I had to cover 8 km, and I decided to take a new route for some variety.

I picked the album THE DEATH OF ME by POLARIS for this weather. I just love this band and I've seen them live twice - they totally rocked the house! I had to add one of their songs to my playlist, so I ended up choosing the following track:
Let's get started with a relaxed riff with a slight radio effect. Then the band comes in full force, and the tempo of the song and the vibe immediately give a great push for working out. Jamie Hails just does an incredible job as a shouter and goes very nicely into the first verse!

It's not just Jamie who's talented in this band. Ryan and Rick's riffs, along with Daniel's drumming, blend together perfectly. Plus, there's Jake on bass who not only holds down the foundation but also adds catchy clean vocals to complement Jamie's singing. The line "You don't have to walk alone!" is a perfect title for this story because we're all in this together to get ready for the pit! 😉

As you can probably tell, I'm really feeling this song, which is now part of the playlist that you can listen to here: