I (Domi) wake up at 7am, shower, eat, have a coffee, and head to the rental car place. Yeah, it's early, but at least we'll get everything done without any stress. Or so I thought..

After a few declined cards and a little negotiation with the guy at the counter, I managed to pay for the van in Nuremberg since that's where we could use the band's credit card. Not important, but it sets the tone for the rest of the day, trust me.

We load up the van and hit the road. We're right on time, maybe half an hour behind schedule. But that's okay. We're driving and we're only an hour from Hannover, and then we're stuck. We sit for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes. As it turns out, the whole highway is closed. We end up sitting on the highway for almost 4 hours.

A little longer and we wouldn't have made it to Hannover in time and the whole trip would have been for nothing. But we made it!

We arrive at the venue, carry our equipment past the guests who have been waiting for two hours now because the first band of the evening had to cancel at short notice, wire everything up in record time and start right away. Only when we start playing do we realize how many people are actually there. And even more importantly, how pumped everyone is. The traffic jam and the total of 12 hours of driving in one go were forgotten. It was a great night!
But then everything went smoothly again... or did it? We drive to our accommodation in Kassel (2 hours from Hannover). Halfway through the journey, Chris notices that our laptop is missing. DAMN IT, how much can go wrong in one day?! Luckily, the guys from Never Back Down packed the laptop and we can meet halfway, so we only had a detour of about 90 minutes.
What a day. Apart from all the problems on the way, we had a great evening in Hannover and yes... we actually really like coming back to you. Next time without traffic and with plenty of time for conversations with all of you, promise!