Vote now! - Time For Metal Underground Award 2023
We need your help because we're in the running for the Time For Metal Underground Award 2023. Support us with your vote! Here's how:
- The voting phase runs until May 1st, 2023, 12:00 PM.
- Each fan is allowed to vote only once.
- One vote must be cast for each region.
- Torrential Rain is in region 4.
- You will be voting for a total of four bands.
- Here's the link to the voting page -
You can only vote once per email address, so encourage your family, friends, coworkers, etc. to vote as well so we can bring the award back to Nuremberg! 😀
In addition to the award itself, there's an incredible prize package waiting for us as a band, which will also help us in our creative work. That's why we're counting on you and thanking you in advance for every vote!
You guys are the best!